
How To Create An Affiliate Website With Wix

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Wix or WordPress for affiliate marketing? It's about control.

For me the question of Wix or WordPress for affiliate marketing is a quick and easy choice to make. WordPress hands down is best for affiliate marketing as well as setting up an eCommerce site or niche-based website in general. Why?

It's all about control. With WordPress you have total control over your theme as well as where you host your website.

As your website grows you may need more resources, faster speeds etc, with Wix you will be limited to just their platform, their hosting, their themes as well as their support. But most of all, you will also be subjected to their pricing as well.

If they decide to raise prices as your website grows and requires more resources, you will have no choice but to stay with them or start from scratch.

Needless to say, starting a web-based business on Wix is like building a house on sand.

But let's explore this further by answering some questions related to Wix or WordPress in regards to affiliate marketing so you can decide for yourself.

Does Wix allow affiliate marketing?

Wix does allow for affiliate marketing on your website. In addition, they also allow eCommerce as well as display advertising.

So you can implement all three monetization methods on your Wix website.

As far as affiliate marketing for your Wix website, simply go to your affiliate marketing program and follow the instructions for downloading any code or widgets that may be necessary for you to implement so you can display their products on your Wix website.

Is there a Wix affiliate plugin?

Wix doesn't have an affiliate plugin for your Wix website. In fact, plugins are basically the main tools that WordPress uses to add features and functionality to your WordPress website.

Is Wix good for affiliate marketing?

Wix in my opinion, is not good for affiliate marketing. Why? Because with Wix you give up a lot of control as far as your theme as well as your hosting are concerned.

For example, as your site grows in visitors and traffic, you may need to upgrade and get a more dedicated server. But your options will be severely limited if you choose to host your website with Wix.

You will be stuck with their servers and support, but more importantly you will be stuck with their prices. It will be a take it or leave it proposition. How is that?

Well simply because not only do you have a contract to use only their hosting, but your theme is owned by Wix as well.

If you decide that another hosting provider can provide you with much more efficient, better support as well as faster servers at lower prices you cannot simply move your theme over to a new host. That is because once again, Wix owns your theme.

You may be able to take your domain name of course, but any content, images, links, etc. you will literally have to copy and paste onto another theme. Depending on the amount of content you have, this can literally take weeks or even months.

Is WordPress good for affiliate marketing?

WordPress is great for affiliate marketing. Why? Because with WordPress you not only own the theme, but you also can take your theme including all your formatting, features design, etc. along with your affiliate links and content and move them to any hosting provider you wish.

This may come useful as your website traffic increases. As your website's traffic increases you will hopefully make more sales on your affiliate marketing program and you may need a faster more efficient server.

Therefore, you will either need to upgrade your current hosting plan or change hosts. WordPress allows you to do this and keep everything intact.

In fact, WordPress has several migration tools that you can use to help the process go smoothly.

Needless to say, if you are serious about affiliate marketing or eCommerce in general, then getting yourself a WordPress website will help you lay down a solid function in which to grow your affiliate marketing business on.

Is Wix or WordPress better for affiliate marketing?

As I've mentioned above, WordPress is far better for affiliate marketing than Wix. Although for the beginner affiliate marketer Wix at first sight, may seem much easier for you to set up shop and get into the affiliate marketing business.

Their themes are very easy and user friendly, their service is an all-inclusive one, providing you with not only the theme but your hosting as well.

Wix themes are meant for absolute beginners to get their websites up and running quick.

However, with all that you relinquish a lot of control as I had mentioned. Control is key, if you want to grow your affiliate marketing business for the long term.

With WordPress, however, there is a little bit of a learning curve. Though as WordPress has developed it has also become more and more user-friendly so that even absolute beginners can get a WordPress website up and functioning within a few hours.

Although Wix does have some very interesting website templates that allow even beginners to construct and design their theme and website with no coding knowledge needed whatsoever.

It's so deceptively easy in fact, that Wix will make you feel like you're some kind of web developer rockstar.

WordPress also has this ability as the rise and popularity of page builders over the last few years has shown.

These "page builders? allow users even more customization control over how their websites look and function including page layout and site design.

WordPress has even come out with their own "page builder" included for free with all their WordPress websites. It's called Gutenberg.

WordPress continues to develop Gutenberg, giving it more and more functionality.

However, this also makes WordPress quite competitive where it comes to getting beginners up and running quickly.

In my opinion, if you are serious about affiliate marketing or eCommerce in general, WordPress is the only way to go.

Why should you not use Wix?

You shouldn't use Wix for affiliate marketing or eCommerce in general only because you relinquish a lot of control.

When you first start out, this might not seem like a big price to pay.

After all, Wix is very user-friendly and if you have no knowledge of running a website, this can be very tempting to get your eCommerce business affiliate marketing business etc. up and running in no time.

However, you will soon find out that going with Wix over WordPress will severely limit you in growing your business.

In fact, the longer you stay with Wix for your eCommerce or affiliate marketing business, the harder it will be to leave.

So get started on the right foot, and go with WordPress for your affiliate marketing or eCommerce website.

How do I add affiliate products to WordPress?

To add affiliate products to your WordPress website, first you need to sign up for the affiliate marketing program whose products best match the niche of your website.

After signing up for one, or several affiliate marketing programs, you will then be given instructions on how to add their products to your WordPress website.

Each affiliate marketing program has their own process that will enable you to add their products to your WordPress website.

Some affiliate programs may seem more complicated than others as far as adding their products to your website as well.

So there may be some learning curves involved with each affiliate marketing program. But basically you are given chunks of code to add to your WordPress website.

You will either add this code into the header so that all their affiliate products can be displayed throughout your WordPress website.

Or you may be given chunks of code to add to particular pages and posts in your WordPress website to feature only specific products that are relevant to that post or page's content.

Either way, you will be adding code to your WordPress website.

However, don't let this scare you. Usually this process is simply a matter of copy and pasting code into the header section of your WordPress website or into the HTML text section of your WordPress editor.

What are the disadvantages of Wix?

  • You don't own the theme of your website, therefore it's not portable.
  • You are stuck with their hosting and plans,
  • You are stuck with their pricing. You can't host a Wix website on any other host, but Wix.
  • You are stuck with their support.
  • If you want to leave for any reason the only thing you can easily take with you is your domain name,
  • If you decide to leave you will be basically starting your website from scratch.

Does Wix own my domain name?

Although Wix does own the theme as well as the servers where your website is hosted on, the good news is you still own your own domain name.

In fact, your domain name will be the only thing that you will be able to take with you intact, if you decide to leave them.

Can you switch from Wix to WordPress?

You can switch from Wix to WordPress. However, the process can be quite messy. Especially, if you've had your website hosted on Wix for a long period of time. Why?

Simply because you will have gotten used to the theme that Wix has provided you and customized it to get it looking just the way you want it.

In addition, you will have probably published several pieces of content, including images, links, affiliate products etc. into that theme.

So you will have to basically copy and paste all that content images, links, affiliate products etc. into a new WordPress theme.

But that's just the beginning. You will also need to choose a WordPress theme that you are most comfortable with.

You will have to also design that theme to get it looking exactly the way you want it. This can become quite an arduous task.

That's why you're better off just starting out with WordPress in the first place.

How do I add Amazon affiliate to WordPress?

Adding Amazon affiliate products to your WordPress website is probably one of the easiest things to do in affiliate marketing.

Unlike other affiliate programs, Amazon makes this super easy for their affiliates to do. You simply go to Amazon and login and you will be taken to their dashboard.

In fact, you don't even have to go into your affiliate account directly; you can merely just access the Amazon site and when you log in you will see at the top Amazon's "Stripe" feature, like this one:

This will appear on any product page. You can then simply click one of the link types for this product, then copy and paste the code that they give you. They'll even highlight it for you and in most cases shorten the code.

Then you go to the post that you would like to display the product on. Go into the editor for that post. Scroll down to the position in the post where you would like to display that product. Then at the top of the editor, click on the Text tab at the top and paste the code there.

Here is an example of the control panel in WordPress's Classic Editor that I still use. You will see 2 tabs at the top right Visual and Text .

The Gutenberg Editor has an html block for that you can add your affiliate code to as well.

Those products will now appear In the post, visible to your visitors on your WordPress website while they are reading it.

Wix or WordPress for affiliate marketing? Conclusions.

As you can see, WordPress is far superior for affiliate marketing than Wix. If you are serious about starting an eCommerce site or affiliate marketing site, then don't make this mistake of starting it on Wix just because you have no website skills or knowledge.

WordPress has made it so easy now that even absolute beginners with no coding knowledge whatsoever can start a website.

WordPress gives you much more control and at first this control may seem a little overwhelming. However, in the long run, if you are serious about affiliate marketing there's no better place or platform to host your website on than WordPress.

WordPress gives you the ultimate website control and portability not only over your theme and design, but also where you host your website. As your website grows, so will your knowledge of WordPress.

This will come in handy since as your website grows, you will get more and more traffic. With more and more traffic, you may find that you will need to upgrade your hosting to a faster server.

Having a faster server will allow your website to download faster in your visitors browser. This also affects your SEO and your rankings in Google for a particular post or page.

Needless to say, WordPress wins hands down for those who are serious about creating an affiliate marketing website

How To Create An Affiliate Website With Wix


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