Introduction: Free Hypnotic Sheep From Entanglement

I have fascinated with the puzzle of entanglement. Sometimes it also called tanglement or disentanglement puzzle. Information technology is a puzzle that involves a mechanical advantage to free a rope to mire from the puzzle. For much selective information about this puzzle, delight mouse click here. Therefore, I hold been challenged to make this puzzle with 3D printing. The reasons are right now most of the web puzzles are made from woods and also I love making things in 3D. Why don't I mix up those reasons to make this puzzle with 3D printing? Atomic number 102 more procrastinating, let's start this project.

I share my design in Thingiverse, myminifactory, and Cults3d.


Materials you will need:

3D printer and slicer

PLA Filament (yellow, dark wood, blue, red, sick, and white-hot)

Hot Gum

Risque spray paint

Wood filler


Light-skinned Rope

Crochet hook, to avail hook the rophy when playing the puzzle

Step 1: Base- Part 1

For the base, drag and free fall box to the workplane. Make the length of 117 mm, width of 70 millimeter, and stature of 15 mm.

Pace 2: Post- Part 2

Because we would like to make some poles to attach to the base and utilization unlike colors, we need to make a hollow on the base to secure the pole's attachment. Thus, the poles will be sturdy and robust when gluing. For doing this, usage polygon and variety the side to 6, soh later you will have hexagon shape for this. Make foreordained the size of it of the hexagon is 9 mm because later we want to work 8 mm size of the hexagon for the poles. The height of the holes does not matter as long as you give holes on the base. Do not penetrate the hole to the bottom of the foot.

Step 3: Base- Component 3

Select all parts and chemical group them together.

Step 4: Close Pole

For making the end pole, simply drag and drop polygon to the workplane. Change the shape to 6, so you will produce a hexagon. Make the size of the hexagon of 8 mm. Extrude the hexagon until it reached 78 mm height.

Whole step 5: Flower

Use N lobe rod (umbellate) from the shape source. Musical scale it to the size of it equally shown in the picture. The important affair is the size of the flower should be bigger than the end pole.

Step 6: Shortest Pole

To take the shortest pole, just use box and hexagon. Scale it to the size shown in the moving-picture show. Make a hole to the box. Scale the hole and grouping them jointly.

Step 7: Medium Pole

To make the medium pole, the step is the same with the shortest pole, except the length of the hexagon pole is yearner than the shortest combined. Drag and overlook a box and hexagon to the workplane. Ordered series information technology to the size shown in the picture. Make a hole in the box. Graduated table the hole and group them together.

Whole step 8: Highest Pole

To make the highest pole, the step is the same as old step, except the length of the hexagon pole is the longest than the others. Drag and drop a box and hexagon to the workplane. Scale it to the sized shown in the film. Ready a hole to the box. Scale the hole and chemical group them together.

Step 9: Sheep's Head

For making sheep's head, I used my previous design. Click here for the design. Make a pickle to the sheep's head past using cylinder. Group them in concert.

Step 10: Printing process

Save all parts into .stl files. Print it one past one. IT is adequate to you to utilization the color of filament. I victimized colorful of PLA Filaments, which are dark Ellen Price Wood, yellow, red, green, blue, and white. For virtually of the impression, I used 0.2 mm of level height, no support, using raft and infill 20%, except for the terminate pole, I used 0.1 mm of layer pinnacle, no more support, using lot and infill 20%. Total printing is about 4 hours and spent just about 26 meters long of PLA Filament.

Step 11: Fail in Printing

When printing process, I full-fledged a loser in printing medium pole with exploitation blue PLA filament, which the hexagon terminal failed to print. I Doctor of Osteopathy not bon what is wrongfulness with that. I took action immediately by cutting the failing hexagon terminal. So I printed the hexagon pole again. I sanded IT first with sandpaper. Later on it smoothed, I secondhand wood makeweight to fill the hole because of the failed printing process. I waited for 10 minutes until the wood makeweight dehydrated completely. After that, I sanded IT again until every surfaces were not rough anymore. I multi-color with blue spray paint. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture when I was painting because my hands were painted with blue circumstantially.

Step 12: Assemble-1

Mucilage parts one away one by using hot glue. First, glue the final stage pole with its efflorescence on that and start to glue the shortest pole to the stem.

Stone's throw 13: Assemble-2

Second, glue the medium pole to the base.

Whole tone 14: Assemble-3

Fractional, glue the highest pole to the base.

Maltreat 15: Assemble-4

Forth River, glue the end pole to the base. You are finished making and assembling the puzzle now. Here is the result of the puzzle.

Step 16: R-2

Cut the rope about 60 centimetre long. There is a hole in sheep's head. Introduce the rope to pickle. Attach the rope to the puzzle. Glue the end of the rope with charged glue and secure IT with tape.

Step 17: Complete Result

You are finished with your puzzle.

Step 18: Solution

Please watch the picture for the solution of this stick, but I show the solution in pictures, too, step by step.

Step 19: Solution-1

With the help of the crocheting hook, draw out the rope to the hole of the shortest (yellow) pole. Bring the rope to the end of the highest (chromatic) pole and bring information technology downhearted. Stretch it gently.

Stair 20: Solution-2

Take unfashionable the rope to the maw of highest (red) pole with upward direction. Bring the lasso in frontmost of the end (green) pole. Stretch along it softly. The rope is in the highest (red) pole forthwith.

Step 21: Solution-3

Leave off the rope with upward charge into the culture medium (sexy) pole, then, take it resolute the highest (red) pole with upward direction, too. Bring the rope to spine of the terminate (green) pole. Fetch the rope falling and extend it out lightly. Now, the rope is tangled in the long run (green) pole.

Step 22: Solution-4

Grab the roach with crochet hook and take the forget me drug to the back of the highest (red) pole with upward instruction. Pull the rope gently. Now, your roofy is tangled in the medium (blue) pole.

Step 23: Solution-5

Evoke the rope until it is connected the shortest (yellow) pole. Conduct out the rope with upward centering to the cakehole of spiritualist (blue) perch. Pull and take it to the game of the highest (red) pole. Stretch it. Pull down the lasso out.

Step 24: Answer-6

Draw in the rope out and work the rope out from the medium (blue) rope. Stretch it gently, so now your rope is tangled in the highest (bloody) pole.

Footprint 25: Solution-7

By using crochet needle, pull the rope out of the highest (red) pole. Bring information technology back to the end (green) pole. Pull it down softly. Right away, your rope is on the theme and you are freeing the Sheep. Is it fun operating room confusing? If you are stuck, try information technology over again and see the video many times.

Happy puzzling and free the Mesmerizing Sheep!

For to a greater extent project idea, visit 3D Printing Center.

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